Empowerment of Small-Scale Fishery Businesses in Coastal Communities in Tatapaan Minapolitan Area, South Minahasa Regency


  • Very Y. Londa Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia
  • Fanley Noldi Pangemanan Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia




Empowerment, Small business, Fisherman


The potential of marine fisheries in the Minapolitan area of Tatapaan, South Minahasa Regency has not been utilized properly through community business groups. This problem is indicated as a result of the lack of empowerment of the community marine fishery small business groups. In order to accelerate poverty alleviation and increase equity and increase community competitiveness in the study of social and humanities, this research was conducted. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data obtained from interviews followed by observation and use of documents. Data analysis is performed interactively through data reduction, display data and conclusion drawing / verification. The research findings show that the empowerment programs carried out by the central government, provincial governments and district governments from the aspects of enabling, empowering and maintaining are more general in nature and not all are in accordance with the needs of the community and business groups. Improvements in the empowerment of fishing communities' businesses can occur and develop when the government is able to provide promotional information facilities and media, and the community is able to manage finances and switch to the use of more modern equipment. The implication of this research is that community empowerment can run when there is good cooperation between the government and the community.


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How to Cite

Londa, V. Y., & Pangemanan, F. N. . (2021). Empowerment of Small-Scale Fishery Businesses in Coastal Communities in Tatapaan Minapolitan Area, South Minahasa Regency. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study, 2(2), 6-14. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrsss.v2i2.120