Strengthening of Archives Governance Based on E-Government in The Gorontalo City Government
Archives, e-Government, Srikandi, Strengthening, GovernanceAbstract
The study aims to determine and analyze (1) strengthening of E-Government-based archival governance in the Gorontalo City government environment & (2) determining factors for the success of strengthening E-Government-based archival governance in the Gorontalo City government environment. The research approach used is a qualitative method with a descriptive research method and research procedures are carried out by observation and interviews with informants. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis of the miles and huberman models. The results of the study show that (1) Strengthening E-Government-based archival governance in the Gorontalo City Government is a strategic effort to create a more efficient, transparent, and accountable administration system. In the creation of archives, the application of technology allows documents to be produced digitally, integrating data from various work units in a more organized manner. In terms of archive maintenance, digitalization provides higher security through system-based storage, minimizing the risk of loss or physical damage to archives. In the use of archives, the application of the E-Government system supports fast and efficient accessibility, allows both internal and external users to obtain information in real time, and supports responsive public services. Meanwhile, in the reduction of archives, this system allows the identification of archives that are no longer relevant to be carried out automatically, optimizing storage capacity and ensuring compliance with regulations. With this step, the Gorontalo City Government is able to present modern archival governance, meeting increasingly complex administrative demands. (2) The success of strengthening archival governance based on E-Government in the Gorontalo City Government is influenced by several key factors that must support each other, namely the archive storage system, qualified archival infrastructure and facilities, archival officers, and archival communication and work environment. A good and digitally integrated archive storage system is a very important basis for archives to be easily searched and accessed. Archival infrastructure and facilities that meet standards provide a solid foundation for the operational management of archives. Then, the existence of competent archival officers in management and information technology greatly determines the efficiency of this system. Finally, conducive communication and work environment between agencies and work units facilitate coordination and collaboration in archive management. By paying attention to and optimizing these factors, strengthening E-Government-based archival governance can be realized effectively, supporting better public services.
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