The Influence of Problem-Solving Learning Model and Student Learning Motivation on Mathematical Reasoning Ability

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Ismail Djakaria
Febri Harun
Sarson W. Dj Pomalato


This study aims to determine whether the mathematical reasoning ability of students who are taught by the problem-solving learning model is effective in terms of the learning motivation of class VII students of SMP Negeri 4 Gorontalo. This type of research is Quasi Experiment with Treatment by level 2 x 2 design using two-way analysis test and Tukey test. The results showed that the mathematical reasoning ability of students who had intrinsic learning motivation in problem-solving learning was 84.13 and the mathematical reasoning ability of students who had intrinsic learning motivation in conventional learning was 67.21. This can also be proven through a test with a significant level of 5% and df = 127 indicating t > t(1,127)(0.05). Obtained t = 4.232 for a = 0.05 obtained t(1,127)(0.05) = 2.80 Thus, the reasoning abilities of students who have intrinsic learning motivation are taught by problem-solving learning more effectively than the reasoning abilities of students who have intrinsic learning motivation are taught by conventional learning.


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Cómo citar
Djakaria, I. ., Harun, F. ., & Pomalato, S. W. D. . (2021). The Influence of Problem-Solving Learning Model and Student Learning Motivation on Mathematical Reasoning Ability . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study, 2(1), 36-44.


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