Accounting Guidelines Implementation: A Study on Economic Development of Islamic Boarding Schools


  • Lukfiah Irwan Radjak Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Indonesia
  • Yustina Hiola Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Indonesia



Accounting Guidelines, Economic Development, Islamic Boarding Schools


The development of Islamic boarding schools is one of the targets for sharia economic development which is based on the understanding of the halal value chain where the development of Islamic economics and finance summarizes various initiative programs including the development of Islamic boarding schools. The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation of the Islamic Boarding School Accounting Guidelines at Al Huda Islamic Boarding School which is more focused on the readiness of HR at Al Huda Islamic Boarding School in applying the Islamic Boarding School Accounting Guidelines. The Al Huda Islamic boarding school was chosen as the research locus because the Al Huda Islamic Boarding School was appointed by Bank Indonesia Gorontalo Representative Office as a pilot project for the Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) which applies the Islamic Boarding School Accounting Guidelines. The stages of the research method began with observations and results of interviews with informants from the board of the Al-Huda Islamic Boarding School. The results showed that there was a desire to apply these guidelines in the Al-Huda Islamic boarding school. Even though treasurers, secretaries and operators do not have a basic knowledge of the Economics of Accounting, the existing human resources are ready to apply the Pesantren accounting guidelines, of course, adjusting to the needs of the Al-Huda Islamic boarding school. The author sees that there is no urgency in implementing Islamic boarding school accounting guidelines at the Al-Huda Islamic boarding school because the reporting entity is the foundation that houses the Al-Huda Islamic boarding school, the Al Huda Islamic Education and Da'wah Foundation, Gorontalo. The foundation is fully responsible for the donors or the community.


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How to Cite

Radjak, L. I. ., & Hiola, Y. . (2020). Accounting Guidelines Implementation: A Study on Economic Development of Islamic Boarding Schools. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study, 1(2), 54-60.