of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study2025-01-14T14:49:55+07:00Asian Multicultural Research Studieseditor@amrsjournals.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study (JAMREMS) </strong>ISSN: <a href="">2708-9711</a> is an international platform for scholars to publish research report, article review, and short communication. <strong>JAMREMS </strong>covers all research area of Economy and Management studies including Financial Management, Accounting, Administrative System, Brand Innovation and Brand Management, Management, Business Economics, Business Administration, Energy Management, Environmental Management, Public Sector Management, Facilities Planning and Management, Marketing Management, Finance, Foodservice Management, Global Manufacturing and Management, Human Resource Management, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology Management, Knowledge Management, Management Information System, Management Psychology, Management of Enterprises, Management Practices, Management Strategy, Management Theory, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Marketing, Operations Research, Organizational Behaviour, Port Management, Production Management, Project and Quality, Research Methods, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Risk Management and Insurance, Scientific Management, Security and Risk Management, Hospitality Management, Sport Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Management, Technology and Knowledge Management.</p> Chat App with Live Video Sharing and AI Chat Bot 2024-12-24T09:59:54+07:00Mustafa MD Muhiuddinmustafamd12@gmail.comMd. Zahid Hassanzahidhassan956@gmail.comHasan Muhammad Kafihasanmuhammadkafi@gmail.comMd. Al-Hasanhasanmuhammadkafi@gmail.comMohammed Sowket<p>Internet communication is now an integrated part of daily life with lots of communications related applications in computer systems. The proposed mobile communication application, named Converso, is an Android chatting application for real-time text chat with additional features like the live streaming and an artificial intelligence-based chatbot. Java is used in developing the back end of the application while XML has been used for the design aspect of the application. The application makes use of Firebase as the data storage as well as data synchronization solution. In this paper, the author describing the process of devising of Converso and its purpose of offering cost effective rapid communication channel for business promotions and education get Total: The paper focuses on describing the creation of Converso and indicating the main purpose of the creation of the service. Furthermore, it emphasizes the measures taken to safeguard user security within the context of existing trends of mobile communicating technologies.</p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study of the Personnel Mutation and Information Sector of the Bitung City Regional Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency in the Civil Servant Promotion Process in Bitung City2025-01-14T14:49:55+07:00Meyfilidya PangemananMeyfilidyapm01@yahoo.comJoyce Jacinta Raresjoycejacintarares@gmail.comDonald K.<p>This study was conducted to describe and analyze the performance of the Personnel Mutation and Information Division at the Bitung City Regional Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency in the Civil Servant Promotion Process in Bitung City. This is due to the discovery of delays in the promotion service process by the Personnel Mutation and Information Division. The high number of proposals returned by the State Civil Service Agency, the documents submitted do not comply with the promotion requirements and also the employees are less responsive. As a result, the determination of the Civil Servant Promotion Decree is not on time. By using a qualitative design, it is considered that the concept of Efficiency, Effectiveness, Justice, and Responsiveness in performance can be a theoretical basis for explaining this problem. The research findings that in its implementation there are three aspects that have been running as expected, namely efficiency, effectiveness and justice. Weaknesses in the responsiveness aspect can be seen from the negative response of civil servants who do not receive services according to their expectations.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study