Utilization of Social Media by Housewives in Improving Family Welfare in Minahasa Regency


  • Edmon Royan Kalesaran Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University,Manado, Indonesia
  • Elfie Mingkid Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University,Manado, Indonesia
  • Sintje Aneke Rondonuwu Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University,Manado, Indonesia




Social Media, Family Welfare


The development of communication and information technology has had a significant impact on social changes in society. Many benefits can be gained if the community can master communication and information technology. Social media is one important aspect of society's life in the digital era. With the availability of the internet, smartphones, and social media, housewives can use them in daily life to improve family welfare. However, observations show that the utilization of social media by housewives has not been optimal in enhancing family economy. Instead, social media usage is often dominated by entertainment or the spread of inaccurate and low-quality information. This study aims to understand the utilization of social media by housewives in improving family welfare in Minahasa Regency.


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How to Cite

Kalesaran, E. R. ., Mingkid, E. ., & Rondonuwu, S. A. . (2024). Utilization of Social Media by Housewives in Improving Family Welfare in Minahasa Regency. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study, 5(4), 11-13. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrsss.v5i4.573