Uncovering Effective Factors in the Success of “Good English Learners”: The Role of out-of-Class Learning Strategies and Extroversion / Introversion


  • Narjis Faris Abdullah Southern Technical University, Basrah Technical Institute, Iraq, Basrah




extraversion, introversion, learning strategies


This study aims at investigating what makes EFL learners as being good learners and if there is a significant relationship between good English language learners and the strategies they tend to use. In addition, it aims at investigating whether the good English language learners are extravert or introvert personality type. To do so the researchers select two factors which they thought may be influential: out -of- class strategies (OCS), and Extravert/introvert personality type. To accomplish the goals of this study, 63 students of English department at Ferdowsi university and Imam Reza university in Mashhad, Iran at the level of B.A, M.A, & Ph.D  were handed two types of questionnaire to figure out the effect of their academic level and personality type on learning strategies they tend to use to improve their language proficiency. The results shows that the most frequent used strategy is the social one more than cognitive and metacognitive with the highest average mean score. However, the results show that the students are introverts more than extraverts. The results will be discussed in more details in this study.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, N. F. (2024). Uncovering Effective Factors in the Success of “Good English Learners”: The Role of out-of-Class Learning Strategies and Extroversion / Introversion . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study, 5(2), 69-78. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrsss.v5i2.535