The Role of the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children's Empowerment in Addressing Human Trafficking
Empowerment, Human Trafficking, Women and ChildrenAbstract
Human trafficking is an important issue in modern times that is oppressive to exploit people (individuals or groups). The widespread impact and impact of these dangers make the subject of human trafficking an extraordinary form of crime. A role can also be defined as a collection of specific actions resulting from a specific position. Transformation actions in order to produce equality between women and men. One way to encourage women to become independent human beings is by raising awareness and supporting their potential. The Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection has a role and duty as a forum for protecting their rights, preventing and reducing acts of violence that often occur in communities where the majority of victims are women and early childhood. As for the legal principle applied with the principle of utility, the principle of justice, the principle of balance, to create a sense of security and protect the interests of the community, but also to restore the balance of public order, the premise of legal certainty provides legal protection to victims of crime. This effort also requires the participation of all government, private, and non-governmental organizations. international bodies, social organizations, individuals, including the media. The latest effort by the Women's Empowerment Agency to minimize human trafficking is one way to implement the method by providing training to village leaders on management procedures. One of the main objectives of these vetted administrations is to prevent the widespread use of identity fraud in the administration of migrant workers' needs.
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