Pattern of Relations between Regional Government and DPRD in North Central Timor Regency in the Context of Decision Making


  • Bernardus Seran Kehik Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Timor, Indonesia



DPRD, Government, Decision Making


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the local government and the regional parliament in North Central Timor district by referring to decision making. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This research describes more about a phenomenon and does not perform calculations using statistical figures. The pattern of the relationship between the Regional Government and DPRD Wanni et al. (2010), is considered to have not been implemented optimally in the administration of governance in North Central Timor District. It needs to be strengthened by adding a new variant, namely shared perception and effective communication with the power of local wisdom/Customs which has a very large influence to break into formal government, especially resolving conflicts related to the pattern of relations between the Regional Government and the DPRD.


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How to Cite

Kehik, B. S. (2023). Pattern of Relations between Regional Government and DPRD in North Central Timor Regency in the Context of Decision Making . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study, 4(4), 41-51.