Exploration of Students' Interest Levels in Continuing their Education to Higher Education
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This study aims to explore the level of interest of grade XII high school/vocational students in Pohuwato Regency to continue their education to higher education. The study used Rasch Model analysis to evaluate the validity and reliability of the instrument, unidimensionality, assessment scale, distribution of interest based on the Wright Map, and difference in item functionality (DIF). A total of 278 students from various schools were selected as respondents through the proportional random sampling technique. The results of the analysis show that the instruments used have high validity and reliability, both at the item and person levels. The unidimensionality test shows the measurement according to the intended construct. The Wright Map shows a diverse distribution of students' interests, with most being at moderate to high levels, with only a few students showing low and very low interest. DIF analysis shows that several question items have differential functionality based on the demographics of school origin so that it shows that there is a bias and in the future needs to be improved to improve the fairness of the instrument. This research contributes to the development of a valid and reliable instrument to measure student interest and provides input for schools and policymakers to increase student support in continuing to higher education.
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