The Influence of Learning Style and Public Speaking Ability on Students' Interest in Learning in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMP Negeri 12 Gorontalo

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Safira Tamuu
Arten H. Mobonggi
Abdurrahman R. Malas


The learning style is a unique characteristic possessed by every individual, influencing how they absorb, organize, and process information. When students are able to learn in a manner that aligns with their individual learning preferences, it facilitates a greater comprehension of the subject matter and fosters a heightened enthusiasm for the learning process. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of different learning styles on students' level of interest in learning PAI subjects at SMP Negeri 12 Gorontalo. 2) Understanding the Impact of Public Speaking Skills on Students' Engagement in Learning PAI Subjects at SMP Negeri 12 Gorontalo. 3) Understanding the Impact of Learning Style and Public Speaking Ability on Students' Interest in Learning in PAI Subjects at SMP Negeri 12 Gorontalo. The research methodology employed is quantitative in nature, utilizing a survey-based approach and employing various data collection techniques such as questionnaires and observation documentation. According to the research findings, it has been observed that there is a correlation between one's learning style and their level of interest in the learning process. These findings are supported by the t test result of 0.000, indicating a significance level of less than 0.05. Additionally, the calculated t value of 5.556 exceeds the critical t value of 0.677 from the t table. Therefore, it can be inferred that H1 is accepted, indicating a correlation between learning style and interest in learning. 2) The ability to speak publicly has an impact on one's level of interest in learning. These findings are supported by the t-test result of 0.000, indicating a significance level of less than 0.05. Additionally, the calculated t-value of 7.525 exceeds the critical t-value of 0.677. Therefore, it can be inferred that H2 is accepted, indicating a correlation between public speaking ability and interest in learning. 3) The interest in learning of students can be influenced by their learning style and public speaking abilities. The evidence for this is supported by the f test results of 0.000, which is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Additionally, the calculated f value of 34.299 exceeds the critical f table value of 3.12. Therefore, it can be inferred that H3 is accepted, indicating a correlation between learning style and public speaking ability with interest in learning.


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How to Cite
Tamuu, S., Mobonggi, A. H. ., & Malas, A. R. . (2024). The Influence of Learning Style and Public Speaking Ability on Students’ Interest in Learning in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMP Negeri 12 Gorontalo. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study, 5(1), 26-31.


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