Analysis of Job Satisfaction of Implementing Nurses on Work Productivity
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Job satisfaction is a problem that is often faced by nurses working in health services. The causes of job satisfaction include rewards, competence, and work stress which will have an impact on work productivity. Analyzing the job satisfaction of implementing nurses on work productivity. Analytical descriptive research with a cross sectional approach. The sample of implementing nurses in the Inpatient Installation and Intensive Care Installation is 317 implementing nurses. There is a correlation between competence (r=0.260 p=0.001) work stress (r=0.394 p=0.001) job satisfaction (r=0.322 p=0.001) to work productivity in the Inpatient Installation room. There is a correlation between competency (r=0.573 p=0.001), work stress (r=0.522 p=0.00) job satisfaction (r=0.242 p=0.010) and marital status (r=-0.204 p=0.031) in the treatment room intensive. There is no relationship between reward, age, gender, education level, years of service, employment status on work productivity (p=>0.005). There is a relationship between competence, work stress, job satisfaction and marital status on work productivity. There is no relationship between rewards, age, gender, education level, years of service, employment status and work productivity.
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