Factors Related to the Event of Stunting in Toddlers Aged 24 – 59 Months in the Work Area of the Katobu Community Health Center, Muna Regency
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One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to end hunger and all types of malnutrition by 2030 and to ensure that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. Stunting, a developmental delay that often manifests itself in children older than 2 years old, is caused by persistent malnutrition throughout pregnancy and the first few years of life. In 2018, 27.7% of toddlers in Southeast Sulawesi were stunted, making it a significant public health issue. The goal of this study is to identify risk factors for stunting among children between the ages of 24- and 59-months old living in the catchment area of Katobu Health Center. Research method combining analytical observing with a case-control setup. Information collected via surveys, in-person interviews, the use of a height chart for children, and files from Katobu Health Center were analyzed. Birth weight and maternal upper arm circumference (LiLA) during pregnancy were not associated with a higher risk of stunting (each p value = 0.5). However, the odds ratio for stunting was significantly lower among children who were exclusively breastfed (p = 0.03). One of the ways to prevent children from becoming too short is to nurse them exclusively. Therefore, promoting advice on exclusive breastfeeding is important to improve toddlers' nutritional condition.
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