Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study <p><strong>Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study (JAMREMS) </strong>ISSN: <a href="">2708-9711</a> is an international platform for scholars to publish research report, article review, and short communication. <strong>JAMREMS </strong>covers all research area of Economy and Management studies including Financial Management, Accounting, Administrative System, Brand Innovation and Brand Management, Management, Business Economics, Business Administration, Energy Management, Environmental Management, Public Sector Management, Facilities Planning and Management, Marketing Management, Finance, Foodservice Management, Global Manufacturing and Management, Human Resource Management, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology Management, Knowledge Management, Management Information System, Management Psychology, Management of Enterprises, Management Practices, Management Strategy, Management Theory, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Marketing, Operations Research, Organizational Behaviour, Port Management, Production Management, Project and Quality, Research Methods, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Risk Management and Insurance, Scientific Management, Security and Risk Management, Hospitality Management, Sport Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Management, Technology and Knowledge Management.</p> Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study en-US Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study 2708-9711 The Impact of Digital Transformation on Public organizations Effectiveness: Challenges and Post-Pandemic Recovery Strategies <div><span lang="EN-US">This examine investigates the impact of virtual transformation on public administration effectiveness within government organizations. A mixed-strategies approach, which include quantitative analyses including descriptive records, paired-samples t-assessments, regression analyses, ANCOVA, and Pearson correlational analyses, become employed to research records from a stratified random sample of presidency entities. Findings indicate a tremendous development in management effectiveness post-implementation of virtual tasks, with sturdy high quality relationships located between virtual transformation variables (use of digital gear, virtual talents training, integration of virtual structures) and administration consequences. ANCOVA effects highlight the have an effect on of virtual transformation adulthood levels on administration effectiveness. Pearson correlational analyses screen robust fine correlations between digital literacy degrees, use of virtual tools, and management effectiveness</span></div> <div><span lang="IN">.</span></div> Meanih Somnah Derechos de autor 2024 Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 2 1 7 10.47616/jamrems.v5i2.495 Can The Diamond Fraud Model Influence the Occurrence of Fraudulent Financial Reporting? <div><span lang="IN">This research is quantitative in nature and is intended to examine whether can the diamond fraud model influence the occurrence of fraudulent financial reporting. The fraud diamond theory is measured by pressure (financial stability, financial targets, and external pressure), opportunity (ineffective monitoring), rationalization (change in auditor), and capability (change of director). State-owned business (BUMN) registered on the stock exchange of Indonesia between 2016 and 2022 comprise the population considered within this research. Purposive sampling was utilized in this research to select 154 companies for the sample. In this work, logistic regression analysis is the analytical method. The findings within this research show that the variables of financial stability and financial targets have a significant negative impact on the occurrence of fraudulent financial reporting, while the variables of external pressure and director change do not affect the occurrence of fraudulent financial reporting. The variables of ineffective monitoring and change in auditors also affect the occurrence of fraudulent financial reporting</span></div> <div><span lang="IN">.</span></div> Tetiana Fitrianingsih Bandi Bandi Derechos de autor 2024 Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 2 8 19 10.47616/jamrems.v5i2.493 Analysis of Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) on Employee Performance with Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) as a mediating variable <p>This research starts from the problem of whether Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) affect employee performance with Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) as a mediating variable. This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) on employee performance with Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) as a mediating variable. This type of research is quantitative research with correlational problem construction. This quantitative research takes the form of numbers and is analyzed using statistics. The population in this study were employees of the distribution department of PT Saribumi Sriguna Putra, Palembang City, PT Sriguna Patra Niaga, and PT Graha Patra Saribumi in 2023, totaling 105 people. The sample in this study was taken using a saturated sampling technique, namely a sample determination technique when all members are used as samples. Thus, the sample in this study was taken equal to the population, namely 105 people. The data analysis technique in this research uses the SPSS application. factors such as intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence affect the creation of employee performance, and spiritual intelligence is able to mediate between intellectual intelligence factors, emotional intelligence and employee performance. the findings in this study are that this research is expected to be a view for company owners to pay more attention to factors to improve maximum employee performance.</p> Alpisarrin Alpisarrin Maya Panorama Maftukhatusolikhah Maftukhatusolikhah Derechos de autor 2024 Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 5 2 20 30 10.47616/jamrems.v5i2.497