Customer Satisfaction on Barista Service


  • Wim J Winowatan Winowatan Food and Beverage Management, Hospitality Department, Tourism Polytechnic Makassar, Indonesia
  • I Putu Suarta Food and Beverage Management, Hospitality Department, Tourism Polytechnic Makassar, Indonesia
  • Murdiani Sukarana Food and Beverage Management, Hospitality Department, Tourism Polytechnic Makassar, Indonesia



Customer Satisfaction, Barista Service, Hotel


This study aims to determine consumer satisfaction with barista services. The method in this study is qualitative using a descriptive approach. The method of data collection in this study was done through observation, interviews with a list of questions and documentation. The results of the study show that consumer satisfaction with barista services in general is satisfied with the barista services and coffee drinks served, but most of the guests who visit are only coffee drinkers, not coffee connoisseurs. This needs to be followed up so that consumers or guests can better understand the existence and services of Baristas, this is because consumers or guests are only coffee drinkers, not coffee connoisseurs and only choose the type of coffee provided. The existence of the Barista and the services available at the cafe only provide coffee based on the needs of consumers or guests and there is still a lack of availability of very limited and expensive equipment that must be spent for each equipment needed.


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How to Cite

Winowatan, W. J. W., Suarta, I. P. ., & Sukarana, M. . (2021). Customer Satisfaction on Barista Service . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Economy and Management Study, 2(4), 33-38.